What do veterans do, and exactly who are they?
Veterans are those who have served in the United States armed forces . There are two kinds of veterans: those who served in the National Guard and those who served on active duty. Both groups face different problems, but they both play essential roles in protecting our country. Veterans who served during a time of war may be able to get active-duty service as a benefit. Among these are World War II, the Korean War, and the Gulf War. Veterans who served for at least 24 months on active service are eligible for this benefit. There are also different rules for civilian service that is interrupted by service in uniform. Title 37 of the United States Code says what active-duty service means for veterans. It includes training full-time, doing military work, and going to service schools. For retirement purposes, these services count for the total amount. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Public Health Service are also part of the Armed Forces. Veterans who served at ...